Tuesday, November 8, 2011

RICH in words poor in DEEDS

hutan is a unique nation with its history and culture passed down for generations from the first settlement till date today. After the adoption of modernity as a major change from its long decadences of isolation by opening the country’s doors to the outside world, today nation experiences a drastic advancement in the field of economic development and technology. Though our country is very tiny nation between the two largest nations, India and China but we have a great ruler, kind citizen, rich culture, tradition and such a great political philosophy so called “Gross National Happiness” is the superb seminal vision for one and all. Because of uniqueness in cultural identity, Bhutan is protected from all internal and external instability and celebrated centenary tribute to mark the century of peace and prosperity in Bhutan. Thus, Bhutan is renowned as one of the last Shangri-la to the outside world today.
However, my greatest concern I have is what will be the future of Bhutan? Will it prosper graciously or extinguish its moral propagation is a food for thought for all individual to reflect globally and act locally. Bhutan enjoyed peace and prosperity under the benevolent monarch almost for a century. Yet, visionary king Jigme Singye Wangchuk has provided golden opportunity to its citizen to serve the country as better as possible by transforming into constitutional democratic monarchy. It is indeed a good game for politician, freedom for irresponsible person and rare opportunity for true son of the soil. Influence of western culture and adoption of modernization, sometimes upshots unethical effects on culture and humanity.  Though it is indispensable strategy for economic growth and developmental activities, but gradually, people tends to change their attitudes towards their life, way of living, or lifestyle, way of thinking, consumption priority and so on- People are becoming more complacent, individualistic and devote to materialism. Social issues like corruption, thief and robbery, divorce, rape, murder, unemployment and many other unexpected issues are accentuating one after another and world or society in particular is never a secured place to dwell, as daughter cannot trust her father these days.
Billy Graham, 1963 claims that “We are rich in the things that perish, but poor in the things of the spirits. We are rich in gadgets, but poor in faith. We are rich in goods, but poor in grace, we are rich in knowledge, but poor in character. We are rich in words, but poor in deeds. We say we are rich but in the god’s estimate we are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked”.
The quote aptly implies to the phenomenon of human nature. As a social being, we have an ability to judge, examine and comprehend our own thought processes, do’s and don’ts, pros and cons and cause and effect of our life in deeper sense. However, knowingly or accidentally we always follow the false trait rather than what we are suppose to be. God has given only one face and heart to wear for all times. Some tends to act just opposite. People in the past were innocent but they were brave and exhibited the truth through loyalties and worthy patriotic action. They have shed blood and sweats to shape the nation and preserved for future younger generation. But the people of today are becoming more intellectually active influenced by materialistic world but depicts laziness in action. Our intelligence is vindicating in words and poor in deeds. For instance, teachers and students seems more conscious and sensitive about the world around us but teachers are  defeated to practice what they preach, and students are unable to practice what they have learned. The wisdom they posses simply remain idle in beauty of terms and do not bring any change even after knowing most of the genuine facts. Politician and bureaucrats plan a book of policies and strategies but most of them are failing to implement successfully.
Disappearing of our cultural values and its image is another contradictory example, because people just comprehend and talk or write some thing about significance and vitality under four pillar of GNH, but hardly people engage to contribute for promoting and preserving the culture. For example; everyone knows that gho and kira is the national dress of Bhutan but it is becoming just an official dress for the office goers, Schools and institutions that too under compulsion. For rest of the place, be it a formal or informal, people rarely come in our proper national dress, rather displays a fascinating fashion of their consideration. Therefore, there is urgent need of certain system and solutions to keep hold of our culture alive. Otherwise, just someone knowing, speaking and writing will never promote our culture. If you happen to attend a seminar on GNH or visit schools, institutes and public area, definitely one would hear or notice the catchphrase, motto or labels like Green School, Green and Clean Bhutan…wonderful and striking idea. Another wonder I have notice is cleaning, maintenance and setups are carried out infrequently when there is only visits of VIPs and other functional events.   
If the goal of “One Nation One People” adopts by all individual and join hands to preserve and promote our identity, Bhutan will  definitely remain young forever. If the citizens of today are merely popular in saying and don’t act practically, when evils scatters latter, Bhutan will never remain as Bhutan for tomorrow.   Democracy does not mean we have the freedom to act whatever way we like. It is everyone’s responsibilities to safeguard our nation. Bhutan is Buddhist community of the greatest and perhaps most seminal of all Buddhistic deeds. Therefore, trends should not be disappeared or forgotten. Yesterday is gone; we leave today and tomorrow is unpredictable. Let us be rich in words and rich in deeds as well in all things that we confront. Let us be Bhutanese, act as Bhutanese and live as Bhutanese.

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